ALICIA PAYNE MP: I rise today to talk about some of the reasons that we need to vote the Morrison government out: 'I don't hold a hose, mate'; forced handshakes of fire victims; pledging billions for recovery funds but spending none; a three-year wait for the promised federal ICAC; gagging debate in this place at literally every opportunity; hundreds of questions on notice not answered; FOI refusals; anonymous $1 million donations; 'watergate'; 'grassgate'; sports rorts; 'pork-and-ride'; regional rorts; the member for Fadden's giant internet bills; visas for au pairs; no visas for Afghan interpreters; the Biloela family; electric vehicles will 'end the weekend'; 'birthing lanes' on the Barton Highway; fossil fuel executives deciding government policy on the COVID commission; the prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K; raiding a journalist's home; interference, intimidations and cuts to the ABC; Senator Cash tipping off media to a secret AFP investigation; robodebt; aged care; hotel quarantine; 'front of the vaccine queue'; 'it's not a race'; Senator Rennick, Senator Canavan and the member for Dawson's constant anti-vax social media posting; signing up to international agreements and walking away from them a day later; attempts to block the Great Barrier Reef being placed on a list of World Heritage sites; Brittany Higgins; the Prime Minister attacking journalists in press conferences; telling us we're lucky we weren't being shot at; 'think of it as a father'; 40,000 university jobs lost; the Ruby Princess; paying $30 million for land worth $3 million; spending millions on a COVID app that doesn't work; Christine Holgate; leaking diplomatic—
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The Member's time has expired.
ALICIA PAYNE MP: I was just getting started.