Stronger Communities Programme - Round 9

Stronger Communities Programme - Round 9 Main Image

Expressions of interest (EOI) are now open for the ninth round of the Stronger Communities Programme (Canberra Community Grants).

The program supports the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia and is part of its 2024-25 Budget initiatives.

Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 are available for infrastructure projects that are aimed at delivering social benefit to the community. The total cost of your project must be below $50,000.

Grant funding will be up to 100% of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50% of eligible project costs.

If you have a project that will increase community participation and contribute to the vibrancy and vitality of Canberra, a Canberra Community Grant could help make it a reality.

For information on the eligibility criteria and what the grant money can be used for, please read the Stronger Communities Round 9 Guidelines.

If you are interested in applying, please complete this Stronger Communities Round 9 Expression Of Interest Form and return it to my office at [email protected] by Sunday 16 February 2025. 

If you require assistance, please contact me or my team on (02) 6247 8475 or by email at [email protected]